Movie View

Movie View

The movie view allows you to view and modify information about the movie.

If you press the Edit button, you can change the information about the movie. The button will change to a Finish Editing button, which you can press to save your changes to the database.
Text input: Entering the playtime purely in minutes will automatically convert to hours and minutes.

You can add an actor or remove an actor simply by selecting the actor's name from the corresponding box. Select the checkbox next to the actor's name to mark or unmark them as a leading role.

The middle of the view contains favorite and watch list information (unless you are logged on as a guest).

If you press the Edit Category button, you can change/create your categorization for this movie. Place the sliders at the desired values and press the Finish Editing Category button to save your changes.

Click the Search button to bring up the movie in the 'Movies Like' section of the Movie Lookup Form.
